On Windows* operating systems, you typically do not need to set any environment variables prior to using the command line. Each of the IntelĀ® Fortran Compiler variations has its own Intel Compiler command-line window, available from the Intel Fortran program folder. This window has the appropriate environment variables already set for the command-line environment.

Using the ifort Command from the Command Line

Use the ifort command either on a command line or in a makefile to invoke the Intel Fortran compiler. The syntax is:

For a complete listing of compiler options, see the Compiler Options reference.

You can either compile and link your projects in one step with the ifort command, or compile them with ifort and then link them as a separate step.

In most cases, you will use a single ifort command to invoke the compiler and linker.

The ifort command invokes a driver program that is the actual user interface to the compiler and linker. It accepts a list of command options and file names and directs processing for each file.

The driver program does the following:

You can also use ld (Linux OS and Mac OS X) or link (Windows OS) to build libraries of object modules. These commands provide syntax instructions at the command line if you request it with the /? or /help option.

Theifort command automatically references the appropriate Intel Fortran Run-Time Libraries when it invokes the linker. Therefore, to link one or more object files created by the Intel Fortran compiler, you should use the ifort command instead of the link command.

Because the driver calls other software components, error messages may be returned by these other components. For instance, the linker may return a message if it cannot resolve a global reference. The -watch (Linux OS and Mac OS X) or /watch (Windows OS) command-line option can help clarify which component is generating the error.


Windows systems support characters in Unicode* (multibyte) format; the compiler will process file names containing Unicode* characters.

Syntax Rules

The following rules apply when specifying ifort on the command line:

Examples of the ifort Command

The following command compiles x.for, links, and creates an executable file. This command generates a temporary object file, which is deleted after linking:

The following command compiles x.for and generates the object file x.o (Linux OS and Mac OS X) or x.obj (Windows OS). The c option prevents linking (it does not link the object file into an executable file):

Mileage tracking form log template excel tracker sheet and. The following command links x.o or x.obj into an executable file. This command automatically links with the default Intel Fortran libraries:

The following command compiles a.for, b.for, and c.for. It creates three temporary object files, then links the object files into an executable file named a.out (on Linux OS and Mac OS X) or a.exe (Windows OS):

When you use modules and compile multiple files, compile the source files that define modules before the files that reference the modules (in USE statements).

When you use a single ifort command, the order in which files are placed on the command line is significant. For example, if the free-form source file moddef.f90 defines the modules referenced by the file projmain.f90, use the following command:

To specify a particular name for the executable file, specify the -o (Linux* OS and Mac OS* X) or /exe (Windows* OS) option:

To redirect output to a file and then display the program output (Linux* OS and Mac OS X):

To place standard output into file one.out and standard error into file two.out (Windows* OS):


To place standard output and standard error into a single file both.out (Windows OS):


Other Methods for using the Command Line Window to Invoke the Compiler

You can use the command-line window to invoke the Intel Fortran Compiler in a number of ways, detailed below.

Using makefiles from the Command Line

Ifort Mac

Use makefiles to specify a number of files with various paths and to save this information for multiple compilations. For more information on using makefiles, see Using Makefiles to Compile Your Application.

Using the devenv command from the Command Line (Windows only)

Use devenv to set various options for the integrated development environment (IDE) as well as build, clean, and debug projects from the command line. For more information on the devenv command, see the devenv description in the Microsoft Visual Studio* documentation.

Using a .bat file from the Command Line

Use a .bat file to consistently execute the compiler with a desired set of options. This spares you retyping the command each time you need to recompile.From: David Watson (dewatson_at_olemiss.edu)

Ifort Mac Download

Thu Jul 23 2009 - 15:03:59 CDT
System/software configuration:
MacBook, 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Xcode 3.1.3
Intel Fortran 11.1 (058)

Ifort Mac Os

Installing developer tools:
Uninstalled previous versions of Intel Software Development Products
Installed Xcode 3.1.3
Installed Intel Fortan Compiler 11.1 (058)
Installed Intel C++ Compiler 11.1 (058)
Edited ~/.bash_profile to include
# BEGIN bash configuration for AMBER10 compilation
. /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/058/bin/ifortvars.sh ia32
. /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/058/bin/iccvars.sh ia32
. /Library/Frameworks/Intel_MKL.framework/Versions/Current/tools/
export MPI_HOME
export MKL_HOME
# END bash configuration for AMBER10 compilation
Configured MPICH2 with the following script
# BEGIN file mpich2_for_mac.sh
export CC=icc
export CFLAGS='-xHost -I/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/058/lib'
export F77=ifort
export FFLAGS='-xHost -I/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/058/lib'
export F90=ifort
export F90FLAGS='-xHost -I/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/058/lib'
export CXX=icpc
export CXXFLAGS='-xHost -I/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/058/lib'
export LDFLAGS='-L/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/058/lib'
./configure --prefix=/opt/mpich2
# END file mpich2_for_mac.sh
Ran the mpich2 configure script, then executed 'make' and 'make
install' to install mpich2 executables and libraries in /opt/mpich2
Configured parallel installation of amber10 with
./configure_amber -openmp -mpich2 -nosanderidc ifort_macosx
Edited the config_amber.h file
added -xHost to both the FFLAGS and FOPTFLAGS
changed LOADLIB to:
LOADLIB= -L$(MKL_HOME)/lib/32 $(MKL_HOME)/lib/32/
libmkl_solver.a -lmkl_intel -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -lmkl_lapack
-openmp -lpthread
Compiled amber parallel
Proceeded to configure pmemd with
./configure linux_p4 ifort mpich2 bintraj
and made the following changes to config.h
MATH_LIBS= -L$(MKL_HOME)/lib/32 $(MKL_HOME)/lib/32/
libmkl_solver.a -lmkl_intel -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -openmp -
MPI_LIBS = -L$(MPI_LIBDIR) -lmpich -lpthread
CPP = /usr/bin/cpp
F90 = mpif90
F90_OPT_HI = -xHost -ip -O3
LOAD = mpif90
LOADLIBS = -limf -lsvml
Compiled pmemd parallel
Nearly all of the tests, except the noesy and evb/
poh_dbonds_umb_dg_UFF_9DG* tests ran and gave acceptable results.
Go ahead, bug me again about -xHost, somebody!
The Intel Fortran Compiler User and Reference Guide says that this
option 'Can generate instructions for the highest instruction set
available on the compilation host processor.' (Fortran 11, for Mac OS X)
Is this something that shouldn't be done?
As long as I'm running it on the same host that I compiled on, this
should be fine, right?
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